Sunday, December 13, 2015

Importance of Fathers

Fathers are an important part of many of our lives. Fathers are the ones who teach us how to play ball, gain confidence, do well in school, and how to be self sufficient. Mothers primary roles are to nurture and support their kids, where fathers roles are to provide and protect their kids during their lives. My life would be totally different if I did not have a father who taught me how to become a man, and how to make good decisions that will benefit me in my life.

Research shows that children tend to have a better quality of life when their father is involved in their lives. There is less misuse of substances, less physical and verbal abuse, and there is less teen pregnancies when teens have an active relationship with their father. Kids who have good relationships with their fathers tend to receive better grades, become more involved in school and the community, and set more long term goals that they will most likely accomplish.

Kids who do not have a good relationship tend to struggle more with depression, anxiety, and self image. Fathers are important to kids learning how to become responsible adults, but also how to feel good about themselves a teach them important life lessons.

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