Friday, October 23, 2015

Same Gender Attraction

Same gender attraction is such a sensitive and controversial  topic in today's world. Many are torn between religion, ethics, personal choice and genetics. But how do we know what is acceptable and what is not? In the LDS church we know marriage is between a man and a woman, and we need to need to preserve the traditional marriage and family. But I think this such a complex topic that we can not leave the topic that basic.

Many people argue whether being gay is genetic, or if it outside factors that causes same gender attraction. But in my opinion it doesn't really matter. Yes, we are taught that homosexual feelings should not be acted upon, but I also think God would not want any of His children to be unhappy or in so much pain from the feelings they have. I have from leaders in the church, that before some spirits came to Earth, they knew one of their trials would be having same gender attraction. So whether its personal choice, genetics, or outside factors, that cause these feelings, I think that we were born that way for a reason. And I do admire the people that can remain celibate and following the standards of the church, because their faith is so strong, but I also think it is a harder feeling than many of us do not understand, so we can not judge or blame someone for acting upon their feelings.

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